oracle story



Working in strict adherence to brand guidelines has its challenges. There are times where the medium in question just isn’t covered by the guideline documents. This requires a sensitive and considered brand evolution. In these cases we develop a new visual application (in alignment with the guidelines and your brand team) that retains the brand ethos but is fit for its designated purpose. This example of Oracle Women’s Leadership shows how we brought the Oracle brand to life in a vibrant and dynamic style.


When large volumes of presentations need to be completed in a limited timeframe, we have processes that drive efficiencies and deliver top-quality results. This begins with a strong template design that enables stakeholders to insert content themselves. We take these first-draft presentations and polish them to a highly professional and visually stunning finish, ensuring consistency with brand guidelines. This process requires few amends as the templating is well-planned from the outset.

Templated design also applies to presentation collateral for use by customers and partners. In such cases the quality of the templating is especially important as it’s not always possible to polish the presentations after contributors have added their content. These templates provide the best possible resource for ease of use and for maintaining a consistent look and feel.

interpretive design

There are times when contributors don’t have the time to craft their content. In which case, we work in close collaboration with them; interpreting their raw content and making their vision a reality.

This is especially important when it comes to highly technical and detailed content that needs to be interpreted and recreated to allow the messages to be understood by customers as a means of telling the story. In this example, we created the story and content to help Oracle Analytics become a leader in Gartners Magic Quadrant 2024.


There’s a real art to making complex, technical processes seem easy to understand. Transcreation is the art of adapting content and language to be easily understood for different audiences while maintaining the integrity of the content. We have been doing just that for Oracle Analytics: communicating with Partners and Customers to make attribution and financial category set-ups easy and trouble free.

This process involves in-depth understanding of technical processes, user experience design, infographic design and a keen understanding of how humans process complex information.


Have you got the time?

The future we can shape together is an immersive one, bridging offline & online brand experiences at a time when we have never been as connected to each other. Isn’t it about time you made every moment count?

Every moment counts

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